Monthly Archives: March 2012

Color spaghetti

Sort by specific order in MySQL query

If you want to sort the list by a certain order, such as a list of numbers from the beginning of 4,5,1, and then in ascending order, you can create a sort order by IF … Continue reading

Local date format in PHP or MySQL

If locale is installed on the server then with PHP: For MySQL local date:

Display data from long running PHP script with jQuery

When a PHP script is executed for a long time and it is not clear what it is happening, such as a long loop, a prolonged processing, rainy weather, or other magical things. That is, … Continue reading

Text wrap for imagettftext


One line text does not always fit into a given width of the picture, then you need to word wrap the text to a new line, depending on the width. If only the width is … Continue reading